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Royal Navy Black Cats Display Team Schedule 2024

Royal Navy Black Cats Display Team Schedule 2024

Royal Navy Wildcat Demo Team Schedule 2024.

Below are the 2024 dates & venues for the Royal Navy Black Cats Display Team 2024:
June 2024

01 June - English Riviera Airshow
02 June - English Riviera Airshow
09 June - RAF Cosford Airshow
29 June - Plymouth Armed Forces Day

July 2024

06 July - Wales National Airshow
07 July - Wales National Airshow
13 July - Southport Airshow
14 July - Southport Airshow
19 July - Royal International Air Tattoo
20 July - Royal International Air Tattoo
21 July - Royal International Air Tattoo

August 2024

29 August - Bournemouth Air Festival
30 August - Bournemouth Air Festival
31 August - Bournemouth Air Festival

September 2024

06 September - International Ayr Show, Scotland
07 September - International Ayr Show, Scotland

Lt Scott Sunderland and Lt Michael "Viv" Vivian will be conducting Solo and Pairs displays across the country throughout 2024.

The aircrew and engineers are all volunteers from 825 Naval Air Squadron and the Lynx Wildcat Maritime Force based at Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton in Somerset. page.