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Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis) Video page

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Canada Goose

Appearance: - The Canada Goose has a black crown, front of head, and neck, with distinctive white cheek patches and chinstrap, light creamy-brown breast, grey-brown back, underparts from belly to tail are whitish, and the beak and legs are black. Both sexes are alike with the male usually slightly larger. It is very similar in appearance to the Cackling Goose.

Notes: - The Canada Goose belongs to the Branta genus (Black Geese) and is the most common species of goose in North America. There are several sub-species including the Atlantic Canada Goose, Interior Canada Goose, Giant Canada Goose, Moffitt's Canada Goose, Vancouver Canada Goose, and Dusky Canada Goose. The Cackling Goose was considered to be the same species or a sub-species of the Canada Goose but is now considered a different species despite the similarities. The Canada Goose is a common sight in city parks and they are happy to co-exist with people, although due to large numbers they are sometimes considered a pest.

WWT Slimbridge Video clips:

Current video:

Canada Goose - October 2011 & July 2012

More videos:
Canada Goose - June 2015
Canada Goose - June 2015

Canada Goose - May 2016
Canada Goose - May 2016

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Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis) video

Canada Goose
Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis)
